DAY #10 - Lavender Sugar

    DAY #10 - Lavender Sugar

    DAY #10 - Lavender Sugar
    Purple in colour,
    sweetener for teas and more.
    Delights nose and mouth.
    LAVENDER SUGAR is a delightful, sweet treat. It can be used to sweeten teas, or to top sugar cookies, to add to whipped cream, and so much more. Lavender marries very well with sweet root vegetables and can be added to any roasted medley.
    Lavender Sugar Roasted Carrots
    •  2 lbs carrots
    •  2 Tbsp lavender sugar
    • 1 tsp olive oil
    •  4 Tbsp butter
    •  1 tsp white wine vinegar
    • salt and pepper 
    • preheat the over to 400º
    • peel the carrots, toss with olive oil and salt and pepper - arrange in a baking dish in a single layer ( cut carrots lengthways ).
    • Heat in a pot on the stove: butter, lavender sugar, and wine vinegar. Melt everything together
    • Pour the butter mixture over the carrots.
    • Bake for 20 minutes or until the carrots are tender.
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