DAY #8 - Mini Whisk

    DAY #8 - Mini Whisk

    DAY #8 - Mini Whisk
    Whip it, whip it good.
    It can do eggs or dressing
    An everyday tool.
    MINI WHISK is a tool I use everyday. The size is perfect for small tasks. I use it for eggs, but mostly for salad dressing.
    Salade Verte and Dressing


    • 1 head Boston lettuce
    • 2 tsp. mustard- I like the cassis mustard because it adds a lovely , subtle frutiness to the dressing.
    • 1 tsp. good wine vinegar 
    • 1/4 tsp. salt
    • 3 tbsp. olive oil
    • 1 shallot or 1 clove garlic, peeled and finely minced
    • freshly ground black pepper
    • 1 tbsp. fresh herbs, snipped: parsley, basil, chives, cilantro, dill, mint or a combination

    • Remove the basket from your salad spinner, fill the bottom with cool water and immerse the leaves to wash them. Place the clean leaves in the basket and spin dry. Tear the larger leaves in half.
    • In the bottom of a large salad bowl, combine using your MINI WHISK the mustard and vinegar. Add the salt and stir. Add one tablespoon oil and stir vigorously until all the oil has been incorporated by the mustard – it should make a thick emulsion. Repeat with the second tablespoon of oil, and then the third. You should now have a thick sauce that resembles homemade mayonnaise in its consistency.
    • Add the minced shallot or garlic. Grind in some pepper.
    • Place the dry lettuce leaves on top of the sauce. Sprinkle with the herbs.
    • Just before serving, toss the salad by lifting from the bottom and folding over several times to coat all the leaves evenly with the sauce. Serves 3-4.
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