Chipotle Chilis in Adobo Sauce

Chipotles in adobo are chilis that have been stewed in a seasoned liquid. This recipe can be used with other smoked chilis, like our MORITA CHILIS.
7 - 10 Chipotle Chilis - stemmed and slit down the side
1/3 Cup Onion - Sliced thinly
5 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
2 Garlic Cloves - Sliced thinly
4 Tbsp Ketchup
1/4 tsp Kosher Salt
3 Cups Water
Combine everything in a pan and simmer over a low heat for 1 - 1.5 hrs. When chilis are soft and the liquid has reduced to 1 cup, then it is done. You may purée everything and place it through a sieve, or keep it as is.
It will keep in the fridge for several weeks.