Red Lentils with Paprika and Adjwain

Allison Johnston | 13 August, 2017


6 tbsp ghee, butter, or oil (divided into 4 tbsp/2 tbsp)

2 large onions, roughly chopped

1 three inch piece of ginger root, peeled and roughly chopped

6 cloves garlic, peeled

1 tsp adjwain 

2 tbsp paprika (divided in half)

2 tbsp sweet or hot smoked paprika (divided in half) 

2 cups red lentils

5 cups water

Salt to taste (about 1tsp)



  1. Combine onions, ginger, and garlic in food processor into large loose paste.
  2. Heat 4 tbsp ghee, butter, or oil in pan, just to smoke point
  3. Add onions, ginger, and garlic. Stir to prevent sticking but allow the paste to caramelize to a rich brown colour 
  4. Add adjwain and half of each paprika, Stir so spices are completely coated, and cook for about one minute.
  5. Add lentils and five cups of water; bring to a boil and reduce to simmer. Cover ad let cook for about one hour About 45 minutes into cooking, add salt to taste. Stir occasionally while cooking.
  6. When lentils are completely tender, add the remaining ghee/butter/oil and paprikas.