THANKSGIVING Pork Stuffed Heirloom Apples

neil bougourd | 01 October, 2020 |

            Pork Stuffed Heirloom Apples


  • 12 Lady Apples (or 4 Gala Apples)
  • kosher salt
  • cracked pepper
  • 1 lb fresh , fatty, ground Pork
  • 1 small onion - diced
  • 2 generous tsp STUFFING SPICE ( or 1 tsp thyme, .5 tsp each sage/rosemary)
  • 2 tbsp butter , cut into small pieces
  • 8-10 fresh sage leaves (larger ones torn in half) or 2 fresh rosemary sprigs
  • 1/2 to 3/4 bottle of white wine


  1. Preheat the oven to 400F
  2. If you are using Lady Apples, cut off the top and scoop out the core and seeds with a small spoon (I use a grapefruit spoon) Also, remove enough flesh to have a good amount of room for filling. Just watch that you are not getting too close to the outside wall. The same procedure can be used for Forelle pears.
  3. If you are using Gala apples, cut them in half crosswise and then scoop out the core and seeds from the centre of each. This will form 8 cups (1 whole per person)
  4. Season the prepared apples with salt and pepper.
  5. Mix the ground pork with the stuffing spice and onion, then evenly divide the meat among all of them. Season with salt and pepper, then fill each one with enough sausage to make a small mound of meat. But do not pack too firmly- you want the meat to cook without becoming tough.
  6. Season the meat with additional salt and pepper.
  7. Nestle the apples in a baking dish that will hold them all snuggly in one layer.
  8. Scatter the butter over and between the apples. Then tuck sage leaves in among them.
  9. Pour enough wine into the dish (or skillet) to almost come to the top of the apples.
  10. Roast in the oven until the apples can easily be pierced with a knife, about 1 hour. If using Forelle pears, this time will probably be reduced, so check after 45 minutes.

 NB - You could also spice the meat with: Herbes de Provence