Gin Gimlet

    Gin Gimlet

    Gin Gimlet

    A gin gimlet is a classic cocktail made of lime juice, gin and simple syrup. It’s sometimes served with a splash of soda water. While it became popular in the 1950’s, a recipe for a gin gimlet cocktail was included in a 1930’s cocktail book, so it stems back to at least that far!

    OPTION #1 Lime Gin Gimlet


    1/4 cup gin

    2 Tbsp LIME SYRUP

    Splash of soda water (optional)


    Add everything together in a cocktail shaker with ice. Shake and pour into a glass. Garnish with lime zest!

    OPTION #2 Hibiscus Lime Gin Gimlet


    1/4 cup gin

    1 Tbsp Hibiscus Simple Syrup

    1 Tbsp lime juice


    Add everything together in a cocktail shaker with ice. Shake and pour into a glass. Garnish with lime zest!

    OPTION #3 Gin Fizz


    1/4 cup gin

    1 Tbsp  Simple Syrup

    1 Tbsp lime juice

    1/4 cup soda water


    Add everything but the soda together in a cocktail shaker with ice. Shake and pour into a glass. Add the soda and garnish with lime zest!

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